My WW2 photos/Vids album

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And two more..

P-51 taxing_a.jpg

the one is my favourite. ... " master ... master, this way..." :lol:

P-51 taxing_hidden guy.jpg
That pic can't be real surely..? Even if we give the pilot the benefit of the doubt and say he just didnt notice a guy clinging onto the tail of his a/c, surely he would have noticed there wwas something amiss with the planes handling. And idk about you but if i was that crewman hanging onto the rudder for dear life i would have jumped/let go as soon as the a/c's tail started to lift up on take off. Lets hope that spit pilot didnt do any victory rolls or flat spin and stall tests. Lol. That's quite bizarre.......:scratch:
suppose you were joking with this post as well :rolleyes:
Seeing as it is a well known scouse soap actress not Flt. Lt. Juliette Fleming ?
Actually i was, and your wrong. It's Claire Sweeney who used to be in Brookside..... This is exactly what i was talking about before. Do i really need to spell out every detail when making a joke or being sarcastic. Jeez, lighten up already....
The pic of the person on the tail of the Spitfire in flight appears to be a photo montage - but it did happen !
Aircraft Woman Margaret Horton was holding down the tail during engine run-up, when the pilot took off. He soon noticed, and did a very careful circuit and landing, and Miss Horton survived without harm.
The aircraft concerned was Spitfire Mk.Vb, AB910, still flying with the RAF BBMF.
Actually i was, and your wrong. It's Claire Sweeney who used to be in Brookside..... This is exactly what i was talking about before. Do i really need to spell out every detail when making a joke or being sarcastic. Jeez, lighten up already....
pray tell, where was i wrong ?

Claire Sweeney from Liverpool is not a scouser ?
brookside is not a soap opera ?
it was really Flt. Lt. Juliette Fleming ?

just asking :dontknow:
Tornado HG641 with Centaurus radial engine at Langley. Im guessing prototype....
View attachment 496429
Interesting. Never saw one of those. Looks a bit like a Fokker D.XXI with retractable gear, doesn't it?

It seems to be the third prototype
The third prototype (HG641), the only other Tornado to fly, was flown on 23 October 1941, powered by a Bristol Centaurus CE.4S sleeve valve radial engine. This Tornado was built from two incomplete production airframes (R7937 and R7938), was a testbed for a number of Centaurus engine/propeller combinations and was the progenitor of the Hawker Tempest II.

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