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Very Younger me ...


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Hiyas, Art. I lived in Teheran as a youth, 1974-1978, first between what was Jordan Ave at the time (I gather it's Mandela St now?) and Saei Park, and then last near the intersection of Zafar and Old Shemiran.

Is that a T-55 you're sitting on?
Hi, They've changed names several times, but still everyone lnow where Jordan st is. Even there is a song about that street! (lol)

Saei Park is where i learnt skate and skateboard! Last time i visited there, there was a litlle lake, full of turtles, last year or so!

I am from center, a little bit to south, Gomrok and Dokhaniat quarters ...

I'll take some photos next time i go to these locations.

And yes, that's a T-55 , no. 33 of Gaza tank battalion, damaged and abandoned during liberstion of Khorramshahr.
Saei Park is where i learnt skate and skateboard! Last time i visited there, there was a litlle lake, full of turtles, last year or so!

They only had a little creek the last I was there, in 1977 ... riding a skateboard, lol. I had a friend who lived right above the park in the cutout on the west side. They did have a small pond where the creek started, fed by jube-water from street-level, yay!

It's been more than 40 years since I've lived there, but I've never forgotten the friendly hospitality of the Iranian people. It pains me that our nations are at loggerheads ... perhaps things are due to change soon.

Would love to see pictures how it looks nowadays if you find your way there any time soon. Great meeting you!
Hell yeah. A 73 'Paul was my #1 for fifteen years. Details on your guitar? And what sort of blues does your band play?
That LP was a 2000 Standard Plus. Honeyburst, AAA top, fat 50s neck, Grover Tuners. Bought it new for dealer cost. Probably the nicest axe I ever had. Had my best "moments" with it. Had many other guitars - Strats, Tele's, ES-335, LP Juniors, Guilds, Taylors, Martins. Nice amps - Fender Deluxe Reverb, Super Reverb, Hot Rods, Blues Junior, a couple Laney's (the AC30 clone - very nice) Still have a nice pedal board and a Strat and a Tele, and A Blues Junior. Played some in college. Didn't play much for years, then picked it up again in 1997 when I was 44. Took lots of lessons - Blues, Rock, some jazz stuff. Attending jam sessions I got with some other guys backing a really hot blues player. He decided to take time off so the rest of us formed a band - six piece at first. Two guitars, bass, keys, drums, and harp. We bought a $5,000 Mackie PA system so we could get gigs without renting. Formed an LLP. We did corporate parties, festivals, benefits. A weekend bar gig one time - the worst thing we ever did. Never again. We got to open for James McMurtrey at a nice old theater here. That was our ultimate gig. Fun and we played well. We did covers - Rock, Blues Rock, Blues, a few fun country tunes (Cody, Little Feat), some jazz instrumentals. It was a hobby band - we all had good day jobs, so we could afford nice instruments. We did make all the money back on the PA purchase, and got some of our instrument purchases back. Band went from 2000 til 2006. Did about 70 gigs over that time. I left (creative differences, and it grew to be less fun). Sold that Les Paul Standard Plus for what I paid for it. Oh, and I still have my Taylor 812CE.

Some of our blues covers included Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Little Walter, Clapton, Allmans, jump swing, other 12-bar stuff.

That's some righteous stuff there. I spent more than a few years beating my head against the walls of s**thole clubs in SoCal until I became a father and reality beckoned -- my 73 was my workhorse then, doing classic rock ranging from early Beatles to Rush, Tom Petty to AC/DC. Nowadays I still stick to rock, blues, and a little jazz for flavor -- which is why I went to a semi-hollow, it does all very well.

A Taylor x14CE is my purchase plan this year. I miss strumming and picking a quality acoustic.

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