*NEW* Post Your Mugshot!!!!

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Its been 3 years and with the new look of the site, we need some new member pics. I talked with Dan and I have a cool layout in mind. But I need pics!!!

Nothing smaller than 400px width and preferably with an aircraft. I have a few already but we have new members (Mikewint!!) and others that we don't know what they look like. If no pic I will be forced to use those that are posted on the wall at the local Post Office! :)

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. If no pic I will be forced to use those that are posted on the wall at the local Post Office! :)

C'mon, you can do better than that.

Post your pics folks, or THIS COULD BE YOU! :p

I'm more of a full-time lurker here but a bit of plane variety won't hurt i guess ! :)


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