NFL 2012 Thread

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The 49ers selected AJ Jenkins with their 1st round pick. Hopefully with the 2 other WR additions this off season, the offense should be much stronger! that was their major weakness offensively last year. Hopefully we now have some play makers as wide out that will compliment Vernon Davis, and give Alex Smith a few more weapons.
The Pre Season has started!

The game yesterday was boring (as most Pre Season games are), but I think it was also the end of the Kolb era in Arizona. He was absolutely terrible. A starting QB at least needs to show that he is improving. His first pass was an interception. It was such an obvious one as well. Anyone who can read a defense should have seen it. I could tell before the ball even left his hand.

3 series later he was injured and Skelton played much better than him. I think Skelton will be the starter from here on out.

In other news:

Condolences to Andy Reid and his family. His oldest son was found dead in his dorm room at Eagles Training Camp.

The Jets locker room troubles are not over. They are just not working as a team together, as is evident by the practice field brawl between Joe McKnight and D'Anton Lynn. I mean come on, McKnight through a ball in Lynns face. They are acting more like Children than Football players.

T. Owens might be signing with Seattle.

Browns QB McCoy is demoted to 2nd String and Wheeden is promoted to Starting QB.
Well here is my 2012 edition of "It's way to early to make predictions, but here they are anyway..." picks. I only do this every year, because I like to look back at it at the end of the season and see how badly I was off on my predictions. Plus it makes for interesting discussions.

So here they are...

It's way to early to make predictions, but here they are anyway...

AFC East
1. New England Patriots
2. Buffalo Bills
3. New York Jets
4. Miami Dolphins

AFC North
1. Baltimore Ravens
2. Pittsburgh Steelers
3. Cincinnati Bengals
4. Cleveland Browns

AFC South
1. Houston Texans
2. Tennessee Titans
3. Jacksonville Jaguars
4. Indianapolis Colts

AFC West
1. Denver Broncos
2. Kansas City Chiefs
3. San Diego Chargers
4. Oakland Raiders

NFC East
1. Philadelphia Eagles
2. New York Giants
3. Dallas Cowboys
4. Washington Redskins

NFC North
1. Green Bay Packers
2. Chicago Bears
3. Detroit Lions
4. Minnesota Vikings

NFC South
1. New Orleans Saints
2. Carolina Panthers
3. Atlanta Falcons
4. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

NFC West
1. San Francisco 49ers
2. Seattle Seahawks
3. St. Louis Rams
4. Arizona Cardinals

AFC Playoff Teams
New England Patriots
Buffalo Bills
Pittsburgh Steelers
Baltimore Ravens
Denver Broncos
Kansas City Chiefs

AFC Championship Game
Baltimore Ravens over the Pittsburgh Steelers

NFC Playoff Games
Philadelphia Eagles
New York Giants
Green Bay Packers
Chicago Bears
New Orleans Saints
San Francisco 49ers

NFC Championship Game
San Francisco 49ers over Green Bay Packers

Superbowl XLVII
San Francisco 4ers over Baltimore Ravens

Yeah, I am sure that since I am a 49er fanboy, my bias is showing, but hey, like I said these are my "Way to early Predictions..."...
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NFC East
1. Philadelphia Eagles
2. New York Giants
3. Dallas Cowboys
4. Washington Redskins

Thank you, thank you.

They had a good off-season, signed everybody they needed to, and at least had a few weeks of practice so far. As long as Vick stays healthy, we should be in the hunt.
Well the Niner's looked very very good last night. Yeah its just preseason and all, and you can't put much weight into. Still they rushed for 260 yards (200 of them in the first half). Defense looked good. A. Smith looked very comfortable and confident (only played a series but he went 3-3 and a TD). Kaepernick also looked pretty good. He had some very nice passes and ran for a nice 74 yard TD.

I think things are coming together for the 49ers.
Agree Chris. I know a team can change from season to season, not to mention week to week. I do have high expectations this year, and have high hopes for a respectable passing game!
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