NJACO's Crazy, Amazing, Jaw-Dropping Pics (1 Viewer)

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22 Unbelievable Places that are Hard to Believe Really Exist | Bored Panda

Antelope Canyon, USA

Bamboo Forest Japan

Black Forest, Germany

Fields of Tea, China

Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan

Lake Hillier, Australia

Lake Retba, Senegal

Mendenhall Ice Caves, Juneau, Alaska

Mount Roraima, South America

Red Beach, Panjin, China

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Street in Bonn, Germany

Tianzi Mountains, China

Tulip field, The Netherlands

Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

Wisteria Flower Tunnel in Japan

Zhangye Danxia Landform, China
Japanese Artist Motoi Yamamoto creates these incredibly detailed pieces with plain old table salt which he painstakingly applies with a plastic bottle. He spends literally hundreds of hours on each piece, creating intricate patterns, staircases of salt blocks or even salt labyrinths. The Japanese artist became fascinated with salt as a third year student at the Kanazawa College of Art in 1996, after his younger sister died of brain cancer aged 24. In Japanese culture, in times of mourning, salt is used to ward away evil spirits. Mourners also sprinkle themselves with salt.


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