Not sure what to do anymore... in need of guidance

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Its my brothers birthday on the 20th. We are flying down tomorrow afternoon until Sunday afternoon to see him. He gets a four hour pass to leave the facility then on Sunday he has normal visiting hours
Thanks so much guys. Had an absolutely wonderful four hours. For good behavior he got a four hour pass to leave with J's. We had lunch and bought him some books. He didn't ask about things at home which was great. The only thing is he still talks about chewing.tabacco which is the least of his worries but still something he needs to work on
One step at a time. I wouldn't mention it, to me it seems like that would be piling more frustration on top of what he's already going through. But, that's just me.
I can only echo what John has said on the previous page. I hope your brother is making good progress and you should be proud of yourself for helping him. Hope he has had a good birthday.

My apologies for not posting sooner.
Thanks guys,

We spent 4 hours with him yesterday and the day before. He's been reading a lot of different religious books and goes to church every week there. He asked us to bring a bible down with us for him to read which was just fantastic to hear. He did not speak a word about drugs, smoking etc. etc. which made it a relatively stress free weekend. He's also become very good at pool
Agree. I'm 36 and have barely smoked a cigarette. I used to enjoy a cigar every once in a while, that I'll admit too! Please do not think less of me because of a few bad habits!!

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