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Hillary save us? I'd rather let the intruder shoot me.
If I recall correctly, the 2nd amendment basically states that we have the right to form a militia to defend the freedom of the state. Technically because we have cops, national guard, army, etc. citizens don't need to own guns. But is there anything wrong with owning a gun? Nope. I believe the statistics show that more people die in car accidents than in gun related accidents. Then again, 87% of statistics are made up on the spot.
I've gone over this time and time again at school, laws against guns won't stop law breakers from getting them. And even if all the guns were removed from the world, it would just be a case about knife control.
I heard Obama also eats children and has a pointed tail
Band together with the intruder, shoot Hillary, then go out for beers.Its what Corporate America likes to call "teamwork".
I just wonder how much Osama, I mean Obama is alienating his "colored" voters with his gun banning bullshit???
Every inner city male over the age of 17 owns one, 9 out of 10 illegally.......
Yeah but even if Obama were to make ban all firearms, the inner city males will still have there guns...
As I said this question is out of my pay grade , I believe I would poll women and see how they stand on this as it's they 90% of the time have the burden of raising the kidsBut he did oppose the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the Illinois State when he was there (The Federal version of the same law passed 98-0 in the US Senate).
And he does support partial birth abortion.
Does believe a minor has the right to an abortion without parental knowledge or consent.
But haven't been able to confirm the pointed tail story as of yet.
It will never ever happen it would take more then 2 terms to achieve that and the US public would not stand for it so the whole concept of it is a Repulican diversion from other issues....and therein lies the problem. The honest, hardworking law-abiding citizens now have no defense except for the under-paid under-funded over-worked police forces (no offense to any cops on here....I know how hard y'all work, and how little y'all are paid), whereas the inner-city hoods will still buy them black-market. If they get caught with one, its what, about six months' jailtime, usually only serving two and a little bit of community service which they probalby won't show for anyway? Lets just make the population into targets, instead.
It will never ever happen it would take more then 2 terms to achieve that and the US public would not stand for it so the whole concept of it is a Repulican diversion from other issues
Personally I think not , I probably have more chance of dating Paris Hilton and me her fortune then the 2nd amendment changingIt can happen - all it will take is appointment of more judges that invent the meaning of the Constitution beyond what is actually written.
Hellcat - you really need to read the 2nd Amendment brother.
Personally I think not , I probably have more chance of dating Paris Hilton and me her fortune then the 2nd amendment changing
As I said this question is out of my pay grade , I believe I would poll women and see how they stand on this as it's they 90% of the time have the burden of raising the kids