Official Chav Thread.

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I probably know what youre talking about. We have this word in Czech, as well: Zewl....

But they're sligthly different..... They usually listen to Tekkno, and they're very much used to ask you for money, alcohol, cigarettes, pot......

That motherf***er from the DEWO video was awful, if I'd meet him, I think I'd crush his head......
Ah, you wicked, man? I'm buzzin', been lightin' me shit in mates car like. Gaffa's ridin' all way to his lass', I 'erd she wha pregaz ...but we ain't heard nuffin' yet. I bet the bitch'll 'ave it comin' to 'a office like...gotta get me gyro, I'm skint.

Who do you know like?! Me mate's from Rosso, I'm from Conno and he finks he's a right 'ardo. Oh, Eng-a-land! Eng-a-land! That cidar, man, wicked buzzin' ...

Damn, f*ck offs, all of 'em.
And as this place is appropriate for the event of today - two scrots tried to mug me. Oh Doncaster...we love you.

This last exchange has been one of the more pathetic highlights of this grandious website... Im ashamed of each and every one of u who participated... U should all be whacked with the thick side of a pool cue....

Say 10 Hail Marys and all will be forgiven.. If not, suffer the ravages of eternal damnation in the Pits of Sachurah...
Yes, tried didn't actually think they'd succeed in mugging me, did you? While I was waiting for a bus home, two came up demanded money ended up on the floor, I got kicked in the stomach ...and in the end, they ran off and I caught my bus. I shouldn't really call it a mugging attempt - more of a normal scrot attack. They broke my watch though.

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