Old Monogram 1/48 P-51D Revamp

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The grille decal worked out great and went on fine. No problems with applying Solvaset. It seems there's not much "glue" on the decal though. I ended up moving this one forward a bit (I made several copies of the grille) and was surpised how easily it came off, even after the thing had set. I was able to peel it off in one piece with my exacto knife.

The red gas caps didn't turn out well. They ended up being quite transparent. I'll need to experiment with colours a bit if I do this again. I'll just paint the things now.

Once all the decals are on, a coat of Future will go on to seal everything. Then onto more detailing and weathering. I plan to enhance the panels and connectors in this area since much of it was obliterated with all the sanding.

Mustang update.

Applied the decals except on prop and sprayed a coat of Future to seal everything. Didn't like the high shine so decided to coat with Dullcoat which I think is much better suited for life in the sun-drenched Italian summer.

Here are some cockpit shots (couln't get in close with my lens). Details are Eduard coloured PE. Gunsight has to go in yet.

Next up, weathering, detailing the gun bay some more, finishing the wheel wells.
Did you ever get to that point where you are putting so much added detail in a model that you're just sitting there wondering wtf you're doing this for? Is this supposed to be fun? Relaxing? Well I got there this weekend with my Mustang.

Although very pleased with the results, I'm struggling with the concept of ever going to this level again.

Here are some shots, starting with the "before" picture of the wheel wells. Actually, this shot was after I already gouged out the molded details and added my own using plastic card.

Here's the starboard well so far. I glued on the inner doors and made the actuators out of stripped copper wire with thin pieces of tape rolled onto the larger cylinder. Hydraulic lines are made from very thin stainless steel wire.

There's a very thin wash of black and brown artist oils to bring out the details of the ribs.

This is where I'm stopping with the hydraulic lines. My photo references indicate many more could be added but I got the effect I wanted and I want to maintain some of my sanity to do the port side!
Time for an update on my Monogram Mustang. I've been fiddling with a lot of little stuff which is time consuming.

Overall view with a bit of weathering done since last update. Black pastel chalk behind guns and around engine panels which I scribed back on.

Port wheel well finished now as far as I'm prepared to take it. There should actually be more lines but I got the effect I wanted and things were getting pretty crowded. The panel line in front of the gear doors is a mistake. I rescribed the panel lines supplied with the kit, which were raised but on checking my references afterwards found that this panel line does not exist.

Brake line added to the struts. I only noticed after taking this photo that the tiny little photoetched eye loop on the end of the axle broke off AGAIN (It's supposed to be where the red dot is). That's 3 of them I lost and there are none left. Oh well...Also need to add the bomb rack stabilizers. Haven't decided on what type yet - choice of early or late.

Finally, here's a close-up of the engine panels and rivets I scribed back on after all the raised ones were removed from sanding. I had applied the home made carb air filter intake decal in the wrong place and had to scrape off a couple of rows near the back and hand painted them on the front.

Thats it for now. No progress on the gun bays or gun sight which I have to change from a K-14 to the earlier N-9. Will send pics when I get to that point.

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