Old Monogram 1/48 P-51D Revamp

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1/48 Monogram Mustang Nearing Completion.

Bomb Rack stabilizers scratch built with card and stretched sprue - and stretched nerves!:
Splendid work Crim, your scratch work is that of an Artist.. even though you slam your head over the hard work it shows and is most respected by me, I could never pull that off myself. You have made great use of plastic cards and might have stumbled across an easy way to add "depth" to your future builds, grow off this!
Thanks all for your kind comments.

The bomb rack stabilizers on the other side didn't work out as well. I've been successful in the past moving the point of a piece of stretched sprue toward a candle until it melts into a small knob on the end. I tried that this time but just couldn't get it to work right. Maybe the chemistry of this plastic wasn't right. So I used little discs cut from the sprue like pieces of salami and tried to glue these to the ends of the pins but many of them rotated in the surface tension of the superglue. Anyway, I'm happy with the result and, as Maglar says, I'll file this experience for the next one.

I'll put some finishing touches on this one and post some final pics later this week.
It's been a while since I checked in (vacation and kitchen reno). I've declared my Monogram Mustang complete. I added the last few touches back in May and she now awaits a base. Research I've done on the Italian bases in 1944 along the Adriatic show most to be built on pierced steel planking (PSP) so I'd like to incorporate that. I've found some 1/48 scale pre-finished bases on the net but choked on the price. The base would cost more than the model so I'm trying to think of ways to make it myself. Biggest problem is to get all the holes drilled to look straight and even. Scale is something like 29 holes over about 65 to 70mm. Maybe a sewing machine or a ponce wheel.

If anybody has some ideas or past experience on this chime in!
Yep, have a look at Ozhawk's P40 build in the PTO Group Build threads. He's using 1/48th scale PSP available from Eduard. Verlinden also do some, but it costs a lot more, and I don't think is as good.

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