Ontos's Photos (1 Viewer)

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Some really nice work Ontos my favourites from the memorial is the are through the water cascade and the guy on his own which gives emotional power to the image
Of the cloud formation shots I like the first one best the contrast between the rain clouds and the sunshine have come out very good.
thanks for posting them.
Thank you Track for the complement. The first cloud formation is my favorite too. On the cascade shot, I wasn't sure if I should have lowered my shudder speed or not, I took it in full auto. My favorites at the memorial are the one gentlemen sitting in front of the Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipients and the POW Memorial. The Medal of Honor Memorial is really heart stopping, they have listed every recipient from the Civil war through Iraqi Freedom. It is quite awakening.
Thanks Aaron, I am waiting patiently for a chance to get some sunrise and sunset shots, and try the exposure compensation I read about in a tutorial on taking sunrise and sunsets 8)
I just got my new Sigma 150-500mm lens and tried it out last night. These shots were done hand held with OS activated. I just had to get a shot of the early morning Moon. I cropped them etc. Any help on presentation or composition please. Someone mentioned that I should take some pictures in RAW and adjust them in Photoshop, I don't know a thing about RAW, any comments?


Very nice photos!

What a difference those larger lenses make, huh?

Taking the photo in RAW format means super detail and information. If you extract a .JPG file from the original RAW file, it'll have as much information and detail as possible, and you'll still have the original RAW file archived. It's kind of like the olden days when you went to Fotomat to have your film developed, and had duplicate prints made
Is it true you can do more Photoshop editing on a RAW than when you take it in jpeg ? I'll have to try it when I get comfortable with what I'm using now. I have another question, I just got a wireless remote shutter release. The in instructions are terrible but I can use it. Question, it says you use the "S" and "S2" to take the picture, there are three buttons on the bottom "S-W and T. I can't find anywhere that says what these buttons do. I checked on line and it seems no one knows. Can anyone tell me what they are?
Photoshop works great with RAW files, however I never edit my RAW files, but keep them safe in an archive. I extract a .JPG and edit that, instead. A quick way to extract a .JPG from your RAW file would be to load up an image, lets say IMG0001.RAW (we're using RAW as an example), now click File and select Save As. When the dialog box opens, select your image's destination, and select Format from the drop-down menu. In this case, you'll be selecting .JPG, which will look like: JPEG ( *.JPG, *.JPEG *.JPE) in the line, so then you'll be saving IMG0001.jpg to your folder. Leave the name unchanged in the File Name area, you can change it later. Click OK when you're ready. You will encounter a dialog box that says JPEG Options, I leave the Matte at None, select the highest quality in Image Options (slider to 12 and Maximum selected), the rest I leave untouched. Then click OK and your done!

Using Photoshop like this also saves the image's XIF data that's embedded in it. The XIF data has information like what camera was used, which lense, the date time it was taken, and so on.

As far as the buttons go, I really can't help you there, since I use a Pentax K100D. Hopefully one of the guys has the same camera as you, and can give you a hand with that.
Thanks GG, I'm getting to understand now. I'll do a few shots in RAW and see how it comes out. I really love this lens, just wish one of those planes would fly over from March so I can grab a pic. I guess no flights this week-end. I just found out that the letters on the bottom of the remote "S","W" "T", are for cameras other than Canon
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Some close ups of my back yard garden, and a sunset through the Eucalyptus trees.

Desert Bird of Paradise


Bottle Brush

Sunset Through the Eucalyptus Trees.

Thanks for all the encouragement. I got a new macro lens and tried it out. Need quite a bit more practice. I had to manual focus so may be a little blurred.

Had to through this weed in.


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