Over 200 WWII pix from my dad now on my site

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Sep 8, 2009
Hi folks,
I've had a busy summer scanning posting pictures on my website, in addition to the over 1800 rail photos I have on there, I'm proud to say that now I finally have over 200 of my dad's photos from World War II now on the site, mostly scanned individually from negatives for the best quality (even though some still aren't the best), but many of these are really superb for their age, and I'm glad I was able to preserve a part of this history while I still can. They were stuffed in a metal can for decades, and many of them he had never printed at all. Go to:
Frank's Photography Site

and near the top is a link for the World War II photos. These were mostly taken in Italy around 1944-45. But these are mostly general land pictures, there are only 3 aircraft photos on the site (so please don't be disappointed).

He mentioned that he was in the 421st Signal Co., which appears to have been part of the 15th Air Force, part of the sweep campaign from Tunisia through Italy in 1944. Though he passed away in 1988, and it seems I've had this metal can of negatives for years, I just recently looked at them and was amazed by how many there were, and that some are of very good quality. I just got a negative scanner a few months ago to work on my own collection of U.S. rail negatives (1969-present), so I knew it would only be a matter of time before I scanned posted these.

Hope you enjoy these, and write me back with any comments. I am going to look up some other forums on the web of aficionados from this era too, and hopefully they can fill me in on many of the missing captions, though I did a fairly good initial job of figuring out where a good deal of these may have been taken. Mainly (and I don't know how many thousands of photos like this are out there), I'm posting these for the enjoyment of all, but ESPECIALLY, I'd like to hear from folks who know WHERE EXACTLY and ABOUT WHAT DATES some of these were taken, to help recreate in my mind a better picture of my dad's life during the war, and assistance in ADDING MORE ACCURATE CAPTIONS to these photos.

So best wishes to everyone, and please e-mail me if you have good info on the shots where I'm totally lacking. And of course, I hope you all enjo these photos.

Frank Florianz, Asheville, NC email: frank754@bellsouth.net

Best wishes,
Frank Florianz
Some great pics!

On your "Equipment Page I",

pic 2 - jeep might be from the 12th Air Force - they were stationed in that area.

pic 3 - looks like a German '88 AA gun in the background.

pic 5 - looks to be a German 'Hetzer' tank, though I'm not great with tank ID.

and Pic 6 and 16 are definately C-47 'Dakotas'!

Really great pics and I hope you get more info. Someone on the forum was looking for info on Foggia AB awhile ago. Might be good to search the forum.
Great pictures. My guess for the steaming trash can in the equipment section, it was boiling water used to clean the mess kits, canteens and canteen cups. Train photos are always good. Thanks for posting. Welcome to the group.

Thanks for sharing your WWII photos, Frank. It's great to see history preserved, and those are some great photos your Dad took!

I noticed that some of the photos on the "WWII Extra" page look like they may be from North Africa or the Middle East.

Enjoyed the train photos, too!
Hi folks,
Thanks for the kind words, and also by all the hits to my site I'm proud that so many people took interest in my dad's photos. I wanted to post a follow-up on this. I found my dad's Honorable Discharge papers so I was able to add more information. Plus I found his "Service Album" with a lot of the prints, so I was able to add captions to the vast majority of them now. I also added the info (or conjectures) that a few of you had supplied in the thread above.
Revisit the site if you wish.
Best regards,
Frank Florianz
Hi Frank,
nice collections indeed

And about your dad's shots in Italy I'd like to give the correct info about some of them, if I can:

Architecture Part III set: 1st photo isn't Rome; that's for sure the Cathedral of Bolzano.

Land Part II set: the 2nd shot wan't taken in Cannes but in Italy (maybe Florence, Rome, or other town I can't say precisely) simply because all shop signs are in italian (BTW the Birra Wuhrer is an italian beer indeed ).

Train / Rail Subjects set: shot #6 was taken in Bologna (the tall tower in the background is called "Torre degli Asinelli" and is the emblem of the city).

Extra Set: last three shots are certainly taken in North Africa too (Bolzano landscape in North Italy is very very different...)

That's all, and thank you for sharing your dad's memories with us.

That's a magnificent collection Frank, thanks for sharing them. It's like you've made you own contribution to recorded history which is totally unique and adds the collective record of that place and time. Seeing those places photographed is very interesting and provides a real insight into how they actually looked on the ground at that moment in time.

My Grandrdad was in Italy during WWII, but other than his service medal I know nothing more about his time there, don't even know what regiment he was in, so it's pleasing to see you putting in the time to publicly record your dad's fascinating exploits.

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