" Ozora No Samurai"

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Will have to check, Kaga Kates were not the same base colour as the Shokaku Kates (I-3 Tsuchi-Iro), same green though.

bedtime here, will look up the vallejo paints for equivalent colours....
Sorry everyone if I may have put you all in confusion but I almost agree with Wayne.
To see the Shokaku Kate photo, my honest impression was the dark-green camouflage on the light grey airframe.

Jan, after checking the Vallejo range the closest to my eye are 71.025 Dark Yellow for the I-3 "Tsuchi Iro" colour and for the Dark Green 71.020 German Green, now i must point out that both colours do match some FS colours often cited but as I haven't seen or used the Vallejo range I can't be absolutely certain.

I will say that the Dark yellow will probably need to be lightened slightly for some scale effect, the Dark green carefully applied over the top in differing mottled densities should provide a suitable cover for the Shokaku Kate. Remember PH aircraft were in excellent condition with little or no weathering.

i have an in progress Kate that will be EI-309 flown by Lt. T.Ichihara comander of the Shokaku Bombing group at PH.

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