They could be mounted much like the P-61C, which had the same engine and turbo supercharger (x2): in the upper nacelle with inlets and ancillaries in the wing.
I commented because I saw indications of neither in the drawings. If ducting and turbines take up the space behind the engines, the articulation and attachments for the main gear would get really interesting.
I was running into similar problems doing the layout for a twin P-40.
Engine is heavy and when you double them up front and add armament and ammunition all up in the nose, there is nothing to offset the weight to maintain CoG. Of course it could end up being a bit poorly balanced like a P-39. My drawings which attempted to address these issues were looking a lot less like a P-40 than I liked.
I build for flight sims, so fuel and armaments as disposable loads must be accounted for in the flight model.