Ok, so back to Glen's original question:
I'd suggest looking at a P-61C's nacelles and wing ducting.
That should be the closest I can think of to the the P-47's cowling and engine.
At some point the designer has to make a decision as to whether this concept is just for looks or is supposed to be plausible. Without increasing wingspan, there isn't really any room for flaps on the trailing edge. It is even worse for the P-40.
Since I do these designs as 3D models, it is pretty easy to prototype something just to get an idea of the necessary planform for areas. I don't actually check the areas by eyeball; I wrote up a little program way back when my Son was still in High School which takes the vertices of a Wing or other polygon (think flap outline) and can calculate the area using Heron's Theorem. Son was doing something with the area of triangles and basically any polygon can be broken up into some number of triangles.
There is no reason the full induction system can't all fit in a nacelle. There is plenty of volume left over if there is no pilot or fuel tanks there and enough room for the entire main gear on each side as well.
Happy New Year Folks.
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