Hello friends, thank you for your visits and comments. 8)
Let's catch up with this boy.
I started to shade the top of the fuselage and wings, pretending to feel sunny and slightly burnt paint. I did this by selecting some panels ...
For superior color
"de mi querido Razor", I experienced an almost equal mix of Model Air Olive Grey 71,015 with Tamiya XF-62 Olive Drab and an equal share of Tamiya Lacquer thinner. I must say that twice I had to clean the airbrush, because the color came out very spat (You may give me an explanation) do not know if are not compatible acrylic colors still being both, or thinner does not support Vallejo ... really i do not know.
Needing to thin the paint to the effect of shadows and panels, I decided to use the pair of Tamiya. I had no need to thin the paint Vallejo before and I have not bought their thinner. I did not want to risk using distilled water or isopropyl alcohol.
The rear stabilizers and cowl are superimposed only to give an overview ...
I still have to apply the red and in the case of the tail will be easier without stabilizers.
I let it dry color about an hour and carefully started chipping ....
I've done it too carefully ... there is no going back and I can not be wrong.
I used 3 types of brushes and well sharpened toothpicks !!
So you see the results ...
I look forward to your comments and if someone can tell me that could happen to the Olive colors of Tamiya and Vallejo, I thank you for continue to learn from this.
Saludos a todos
Luis Carlos