P-51D Merlin's Magic 1/48

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Wow, April of last year...............
With a lull between GB's I'm working on both this one and the Hurricane, bits on each.

So this morning I've done the non-glare black on the nose and the silver on the fuselage. The wings are gray, as they were painted in wartime with the seams filled. Havent masked and painted the windscreen yet, which will be black. It's close to finish......

Now back to the Hurrie for a bit more. Like a yo-yo.


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Got flaps, elevators, rudder, tail wheel, legs and wheels and wheels on today. Have painted the front canopy frame, it's drying. Seats back in and decals tomorrow. It's all coming together faster than I had thought. Didn't realize I was this close to finishing.

May get that O-2 after all.


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