Pics from Weekend Flight

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 29, 2006
Phila, Pa
Went flying over the weekend. Took up my daughter, a friend of mine and his daughter. Had a good time. Were originally going to fly to State College, Pa for lunch but the clouds socked in. Went below them but ended up scud running and that is just stupid to do with two toddlers in the plane and ridges everywhere. So, I turned around and went home. Everyone enjoyed the flight.

Thought I'd share a few pics.


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Hmmm, ok I'll ask. Are those regular car seats or are there special made ones for planes?

Viking, they are regular car seats. Actually, the one on the left is a standard Car seat and the one on the left is a booster with back attached. Cirrus birds have an interior setup much like that on a standard car.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Take my daughter up all the time. Gives Mom a break. And the little one is getting used to it. But, I have to turn around all the time (autopilot one, unstrap, turn around and readjust...) to put her headphones back on her head. She's big on taking them off. If not that, she sometimes starts singing the "Alphabet Song" at random times. Nothing like calling a base leg in the pattern with "A-B-C-D..." being sung in the backround.
Thats what memories are made of mate !

Great that you take 'em up with you. Nice pics and thanks for letting us 'share' your ride.
what was the bird you flew in?

EDIT: wait, nevermind. I see the brand name on the panel. lol I assume it was an SR-22?
Trebor, no worries, I do that one myself! It is an SR-22. Good bird, easy flyer. Flown a lot of airplanes and it is a pretty easy brid to fly (odd thing, it has spring loaded controls so there are no control locks). Not very manuverable when you put it up against a Piper or Cessna. Can't really do that tight turn around a point that you can do with an Archer or a 152. But it will clean off and haul ass. I've routinely gotten 170-175Kts out of it in cruise configuration with 75% power. Get to altitude, set the power at 75%, turn on the autopilot and fly it through the panel. Don't even touch the stick.

That being said, it takes a bit of time to slow it down when you're coming down from altitude too. Easy to overspeed it (almost did it Saturday). Especially when you're cruising at 175 and you start coming downhill with a 180 redline. Gotta pull back the throttle and let it burn off altitude. You can start dropping down about 250 fpm around 15-20 miles out and keep your speed up through the whole desent. But you've gotta watch coming into the pattern at that speed. Invariable, you're cooking and some dude is luffing along at 80kts in a Tommahawk. You'll climb up his back in a heartbeat.

Once it gets going, it doesn't like to slow down.

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