Hi guys.
I've been digging in my collection - and surprisingly enough *giggle* - I've primarily got photos of police motorcycles, not metal cag...eh, police cars.
I did manage to find a few of my own photos that's suitable for public display, so here we go:
1. Ordinary patrol car (Ford Mondeo), Copenhagen, Denmark.
2. Technical Service - Copenhagen Police Department.
3. Mondeo in civilian uniform.
4 + 5. A couple of swedish police cars, Malmö.
6. Dog patrol car, Copenhagen.
7. Mondeo sw, Copenhagen.
8 + 9. Dog patrol car, Assistens Cemetary, Copenhagen.
10. Group car, Copenhagen.
11. During the clearing of the infamous place, "The Youth House" at Jagtvej 69 in Copenhagen, danish police had to get reinforcements in the form of police cars from Sweden and Holland. Parked next to the dark blue danish cars is a nice line-up of some swedish cars.
12. Sqeezed in.
13 + 14. Dutch police riot vans.
15. A danish police bus. It may be old, but it's still working fine. It's primarily being used for transporting police students, when it isn't being used to shuttle arrested demonstrators, or as a temporary shelter for people during for example larger apartment fires in Copenhagen, or whatever the bus can be used for.
16. Dutch police vans in front of Politigården, Copenhagen.
17. Danish riot van in front of Station City, Copenhagen.
18. Opel Astra in front of Station City, Copenhagen.
19-22: The garage, Lyngby Police - a precinct on the northern outskirts of Copenhagen. Paper photo scans, therefore the somewhat crummy quality.