Pong's Photos

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2007
Manila, Philippines
Well here are several photos I took last Christmas at the back of my grandparents' house. I don't have an SLR so the photos aren't as good as some of the others here, but I'm just lucky I'm getting my hands on a camera. The town my grandparent's live in is smoky and quite noisy, but when I found this at the back of their house I was quite surprised.






That's all for now!

:D Arlo
The camera doesn't make the image, Pong, it simply records what you put in front of it. The more expensive SLR cameras have a greater range of options (lenses, settings, manual mode, higher quality optics, etc), but when you push the button it still does the same thing a disposable camera does. The image first has to be visualized, set up, and framed....this all takes place in the photographer's eye and mind. Experiment with your camera, play around and learn what it can do, not what its lacking that a $5000 camera has. I've seen $100,000 photos taken with point-n-shoot cameras and "tourist" photos taken with $5000 cameras. And like GG said, take a look around you! You don't have to travel to the jungles of South America to get amazing photos!

Okay, off the soapbox now. :lol: Good pics, I like how the red stands out from the green which jumps out of the blue!
Great shots Pong!! RA's right. If you learn what the camera is capable of and stay within those parameters you will get exceptional photos.:thumbright:
The camera doesn't make the image, Pong, it simply records what you put in front of it. The more expensive SLR cameras have a greater range of options (lenses, settings, manual mode, higher quality optics, etc), but when you push the button it still does the same thing a disposable camera does. The image first has to be visualized, set up, and framed....this all takes place in the photographer's eye and mind. Experiment with your camera, play around and learn what it can do, not what its lacking that a $5000 camera has. I've seen $100,000 photos taken with point-n-shoot cameras and "tourist" photos taken with $5000 cameras. And like GG said, take a look around you! You don't have to travel to the jungles of South America to get amazing photos!

Okay, off the soapbox now. :lol: Good pics, I like how the red stands out from the green which jumps out of the blue!

Thanks RA.

And thanks for all the comments everyone!

:D Arlo
Well, been quite a while since I last posted here in my own thread (Probably since nothing interesting to photograph here, wait that's wrong, there is always something interesting to photograph :rolleyes:)

While we were fixing up our house, I found a box containing my grandfather's photographs during his Army years (Some of them when he was training in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey) as well as a water canteen and dogtags. Grandpa (Or Lolo, as we say in Tagalog) Lauro served with the AFP as a radioman and trained for several years in Korea and then in the U.S finally, retiring in the late 70s after nearly 30 years of service.






Nice shots, Pong.
Thanks for sharing.

Recently, I am interested in the Philippine's history because a friend of mine married a Philippine lady.
He says "When I met her uncle, I was told 'Philippine had been peaceful with Arabian merchants before Spanish, American and Japanese came!'"
Nice shots, Pong.
Thanks for sharing.

Recently, I am interested in the Philippine's history because a friend of mine married a Philippine lady.
He says "When I met her uncle, I was told 'Philippine had been peaceful with Arabian merchants before Spanish, American and Japanese came!'"

Well, that is true. We were trading peacefully with a few countries (China is one) until, well, the Europeans and the Americans came. The British also invaded once, but were eventually stormed out of the Phil's. I wonder how life under British rule would have been (Probably we all were speaking English in a British Accent :lol:)

Enough of the history lesson, thanks for all the comments.
Great shots Pong, nice Bougainvillea. I have all of my dads medals, dog tags and chevrons. I placed them all in a shadow bow along with my service ribbons , tags etc. kind of a father son thing. 8)
Thanks Pong ... to have excluded Japan from your list. I'm sorry for our fathers/grandfathers did in your country though I hear our manner is not necessarily improved in your country yet.

I appreciate you and your people's generousity though we should not rely on it.

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