Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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I really can't comment as if anybody saw me 20 years ago with my hair.........

Me neither... I used to have them down to my shoulders for about a year... I would have kept them long, but I had to cut them in order to be accepted to the Security College. :rolleyes:

As far as I know, there is only two pictures of me with long hair : one taken by my father and the other on an old ID card.
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I have been growing my hair out since I got out of the Army back in 2006. My hair is now almost to the small of my back. I do get the ends trimmed though. I will cut it eventually though.
Do you normally get up at 4:23 in the morning for work? :lol: :lol:

Because that's when I went to sleep.

I had some 'issues' I had to deal with and was awake. :) Happens to old people.

I've got tons of pics with my hair from the band days. I think Harrison has seen a few on my Facebook site. I have to keep it short for work now but the minute I retire...........!
I've got tons of pics with my hair from the band days. I think Harrison has seen a few on my Facebook site. I have to keep it short for work now but the minute I retire...........!

That was my thought when I got out of the Army. I had long hair before I joined the Army. The whole time I was in I had to have short hair, now I am growing it out. Of course for the right jobs I would cut it again.
I wonder what it means when one of the few females in here *points at self* probably has got shorter hair than most of the guys...must be the guys there's something funny about, 'coz I'm alright...*turns tail and run like hell!* :lol:

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