Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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I always knew that Les had good taste....but not THAT good... *wipes his forehead.....phew!*.....*thought that he was starring a long term stay in hospital in the face*
Well, if I could blush, I would..Lucky. Thank you. I thought you guys had seen me..the naughty nurse pict..? I do have long, chicken legs, not like anyone ever gazes down that far..
I don't mind the goofs. That I can take. But impersonating someone is not cool. Unfortunately, that is the third time that has happened. You can keep the pic up. I don't give a care. But penning posts under my login is a little much for anyone to tolerate. Even I have have some pride. So, I guess mission accomplished. You guys finally broke me. You win.
As far as I know Matt, us Mods cant access ur account to make fake posts... Ur password is known only to urself and the Admins, of which there are 2....

It looks like Adler edited ur original post... As Chris already said, he did it not I.... Id like to see the original pic u posted instead of the fat guy Adler put up there, if infact u put a real pic up....

Question.... What did we win in breaking u???? Are u gonna post a real pic, or are u leaving us, cause I certainly hope it aint the latter... I would sincerely miss u man, all BS and kidding aside...
Look guys, I aint leavin' unless you throw me out. And I don't intend to give you a reason. I don't mind the thread, I don't mind the goofing on me, I don't mind a pig pile. It's all love for this attention whore. I sincerely thought that all the goofing on me was hilarious. Honestly.

Not sure what I posted that was modified. I thought a mod had the ability to impersonate a fellow forum rat and jumped to conclusions. My bad. My biggest fear was that someone would impersonate me, make an insulting statement to a fellow member under my avatar and I would be left holding the bag. I wouldn't have a leg to stand on trying to defend myself for the exact reasons that Eric noted. No one would believe me. I have entirely too much fun here and the frequent goofing on each other ranks right up there with what brings me back.

I hope that this does not change this relationship. I was more worried that these "pseudo-posts" would destroy my relationships with you guys. Let the goofing continue. It's all good.

Everyman needs to be reminded of his place...


  • admin_134.gif
    431.3 KB · Views: 91
Cool Matt.. Im still kinda surprised that u wont post a pic tho... Privacy or not, it aint that big a deal... Sh!t, even syscom posted his pic...

If u remember, I have that clip as a partial avatar... Ive never seen the whole image, and what u did to the gif is hilarious with the Mod and Admin crap....

Oh, and for the record, I think my jerkoff avatar is better than the one u posted,cause Cruise is FAR worse than Spears could ever be.....

However, I stole urs, cause it is a good one.... Becca told me thats Spears in the clip with Batman... I thought it was someone who looked like Cameron Diaz....


  • zxkick_granny.gif
    40.8 KB · Views: 95
  • zxcruise_101.gif
    42.6 KB · Views: 95
Didn't realize you had used the user/admin/mod *.gif file before. Damn.

I don't think that's Spears in the Batman Love *.gif. Can't remember where I found that. Stole it from somewhere.

And I still ain't postin' a pic.


  • I fart in your general direction.gif
    31.2 KB · Views: 90

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