Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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Ok, Njaco and is the phrase one of those girlies used after seeing Dan´s photo:

"Whoaaaa...who is that METROSEXUAL????"

What followed was a bombardment of questions with regard to Dan´s whereabouts, age, civil status and a very long etcetera.


Hey where was that 113 at any where i could get my trailer in too haul it away?wonder what a 113 would be like with a cummins turbo, those detriots were **** when it came too hauling ass .
She's got some nice legs.

Er... One of me? Crap. Feel free to crop. I'm 5 months and slowly approaching Zeppelin status. :lol:


  • IMAG0002.JPG
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For those who have Prayed for my Wife and myself. We have had an Email from Immigration in Manila today. The email virtually said that our daughter Nicole maybe granted a Health Waiver to immigrate to Australia. We will know more in the next few weeks hopefuly

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