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wow! I never knew how the B-26's bomb bay doors opened! that's friggin awesome! now I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to my first airbrush!
Hmmmm.... do I detect a bit of a Georgia accent there ?????
Atlanta, maybe ??


You got the got the southern part right, but I'm from Mississppi.

The red Komet was paited in that way when being tested by Erprobungskommando16 in Bad Zwischenahn 1943

Thank you, I wouldn't know where to look for this. :)
Sorry one of the pics is sideways, and sorry if this is not the right topic to post them under. Also, sorry if the pics are too big, I can't re size them here at the school.

One is my Zaku II Master Grade which I completed a while ago and I am still proud of.
The other is a Dauntless Dive Bomber that is currently being worked on, although I'm kinda iffy about the color that I painted the main fuselage (which is on top of the box for scale)


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Hey guys, finally got my camera working again.

A few shots of my Heinkel H6's progress.



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