Hi everyone,
just found this forum and this is my first post, here are a few pics of some of my collection. Started building these after a motorcycle accident earlier in the year and have now become addicted(my missus would say "obssesed"). It all started with the old Lancaster G for George(1964 Revell kit), that my partners mum gave me, it had been started to a extent, some small parts painted etc so that was how it stayed, the clear parts were all missing so they are airfix modern parts and frankly an appalling fit but there you go. The Douglas Devestator also had it's problems, the fusalage was twisted so the tail is out of true and the transfers were frankly a sad joke, many just disintergrating in the water, same problems with the MK1 Anson (are all the modern Airfix transfers so useless?).
Anyhow hope to have some interesting discussions here and contribute where I am able.r
All the best,