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hey so do you want to send some of those ships? seeing I have fair problems with so simple wycianki as is that house, I'm not sure if I'd handle so big ones (as the ships are).

As I'm much more into plastic, I'd like to exchange them for one pretty cheap old good Mikro or sorta plane. How does it sound to ya? ;)
Pisis said:

wycinanki ;)

And yes, I'd like to exchange, but question is what for what? I still have these:

F4F Wildcat
G4M2 Betty
Ki-46 Dinah
Boulton Paul Defiant
PZL P.24g
F6F Hellcat
Me 262 Schwalbe

What do You propose?
All of that I've shown in the scans - it is +/- 20 wycinanek of okrety wojenny and some German and Russian tanks and some other vehicles and some samoloty.
So I'd be interested in okrety wojenne, but tell me what models of okrety you have?
Paper built (scale 1:50) Fokker E.V (D.VIII) of Jasta 6, No. 154/18 ---> 1918.


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And some more of Fokker - in the morning sun :)


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ok what's the best way to transport models without damaging them are there any like special boxes or anything? is there anyway they can be posted safely??
I have to make two kits for my D of E - everyone chose simple civiliant planes with like 30 parts but I went for a nice complex Do-17. They think im crazy, but little do they know ive done this sort of thing before :evil4:
Thursday at ATC. Not allowed to take it home, I have to do it there. For my other model ill do the Ju-88 that I also saw laying around. Best part is that when I get my Bronze I can bring the models home. Free models and paint and glue! :evil4:

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