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i was at the plymouth military show and this little kid saw the tucano and said to his dad "Daddy is that a spitfire" and the dad truthfully replied "i don't know" that much ignorance is wrong!
Dornier J II 10 Wal ---> paper built (finished today), 1:100.


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Here's a topic I posted on I hope those experts gonna help me. Feel free to comment it (worthless to say it lol........)

Hi all,

I'm not a well experienced modeler....... I appreciate being on this forum very much and I know a lot of you guys here are trully very skilled in this "way of life"...

Thus I ask you for your advices to poor young bloody Czecho [:D] What would you suggest me to do in this stage where my models are now. I know a lot is screwed up but I hope not all is lost.......[:D]

All are 1/72nd.



An old Frog model kit of Blenheim NF.
- How should I "dirt" up the panel lines? I scratched off the paint (white plast color shining thru). Should I follow Swanny's tut?
- Still needs to attach the canopy and wheels




An old KoPro (Kovozávody - SteelWorks - Prostejov) kit of La 5-FN of Cs. independent fihgter regiment in USSR. This one has plenty of unaccuracies:
- the nose is quite turned to left (i did not nioticed that when I was gueing it...[8)])
- camo badly attached.....
- on the right underside wing, there's a field that don't intake any color - what's that? how to solve that?





P-51B of Col. Dave Lee "Tex" Hill from the famous Flying Tigers Squadron USAAF in China.
- isn't the silver "flank-off" too heavy?
- the "potholes" underneath the green camo are caused by a bad result of Swanny's Salytiing method....
- still needs to attach wheels, canopy and proppeler
- i lost the rear wheel door so I scratchbulided them (my very 1st

NOTE: The pics are badly lightened - under my table lamp........

So, what would you advice me to do wwith these "beauties" LOL [:D] [:D]


EDIT: I thought the pics gonna be enlargable - they're 800x600 originally.... Uff, what's wrong?
2nd EDIT: I think it's due I use FireFox.......
I think you should dirt up the panel lines, as in my opinion it doesn't look nice. They should be darker than the paint on wings. As the wings are black, leave the lines black as well.

The La-5... hmmm... it might be painfull, but the painting... hmmm... please - repaint it! Also I'm wondering if the blue paint should be glossy?

I can't see the pics of P-51, something is wrong with them.
toffigd said:
I think you should dirt up the panel lines, as in my opinion it doesn't look nice. They should be darker than the paint on wings. As the wings are black, leave the lines black as well.
OK, why not. :D

toffigd said:
The La-5... hmmm... it might be painfull, but the painting... hmmm... please - repaint it! Also I'm wondering if the blue paint should be glossy?
With what should I take off the colour?

toffigd said:
I can't see the pics of P-51, something is wrong with them.

It's not the matter of wrong colors, but quality of painting. Put another layer of paint without taking off what You've already put on Lawoczkin, but this time do it more precisely. What I'm trying to point out are the lines when dark grey turn into light grey camouflage color.

And I would put a matt Humbrol 89 blue - if I remember well, Russian fighters were painted matt not glossy.

And the pics of Mustang are still not uploading... :p
OK, but it has already two layers on it, I'm not sure another one would be the best thing to do... I'm not satisfied with the paint overall, do you know some way how to take off the entire color coating?

And here's the pix of the Mustang, repeated:


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I think that if the layer will be thin it should be ok. First paint the light grey, then the dark one.
Some more of Dornier Wal and a pic of RWD-8 I'm currently working on.


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I know, I'm probably really boring, but... here are some more pics of my models!!!!! :twisted: Jak-1 (paper model published sth about 1975) hanging under the ceiling in my summer house near Olsztyn.


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