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21st Century Toys 1/6th scale Jeep with General Patton figure (twelve inches high) standing guard against mediocrity on top of my entertainment center. Water cooled belt fed machine gun on tripod in front of it. Ma Deuce in the jeep itself. From what I have read officers soon learned to give up their WC-57 Command Cars for the ubiquitous Jeep so as to reduce the chances of currying favor with enemy snipers. Of course, it should go without saying that Jeeps were an integral part of ground maintenance of aircraft in the allied theatre of operations throughout the world during WW2, and therefore should not be considered out of place in this venue.


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Okay, it was long but I finally decided to finish my "Corsair with Moto-Tug" kit. I posted the finished Corsair a while back. Now, here is the (almost) finished tug, converted from the USN to a RAF one.

I said "almost" finished as I haven't varnished it yet... As I'm still wondering if I should put some numbers on its "mud flaps" like the American version...


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