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I haven't yet figured how to post photos but you can see some of my model collection at .Look under my models album.
I've just followed your link and I'm very impressed by you collection.Excellent.
As far as picture posting there is concerned,It is easy.If you click Post Reply button below the window,you open next one where at the bottom of this one you can find a Manage Attachments button.Click this button and the next window will be opened.There you can upload your picture.That's all.
I've got about 3 thousand all told built.I've been working on this collection for over 36 years.I've built models as long as I can remember but never had a collection until I was married 36 years ago.When I was younger my mom would dust my models and pretty much destroyed them.My wife works with me to take care of them.I now have a 12 by 20 foot room dedicated to the collection.I'll try and post some more photos.
That collection is insane! Hope you never have to move house

Here's the Tamiya version of the plane that really need no introduction. As you'd expect, fit and general quality were superb, and well worth the extra outlay. Painted with their own acrylics, although I can't help but think the sky colour looks a touch too green, though I may be wrong. Also, despite using decalcote and matt varnish, I still got some silvering on the decals

Then there was this Academy 1:72 Typhoon. I actually made it a month ago, finding it very straightforward and enjoyable. That was until I got to the decals. They just wouldn't stick at all, were way too thin and just looks awful. So I painted the invasion stripes myself, and brought some Eagle Strike roundels, which are much nicer

My wife and I just laughed about your comment on moving.We moved from New Jersey to Florida in 1988.I used oil cases and packed the 2,000,then,in layers of fiberglass insulation which I am not allergic tnly broke a couple of props,some landing gear and ariels.I still find strands of pink fiberglass sometimes.The order in packing the truck was washer,dryer,refridgerator,models and whatever else would fit.It sure helps having an understanding wife.
U.S. Navy and Japanese WW II,started it all.Now almost anything that catches my eye. I do a lot of scratch building and rare conversions of most aircraft.Also trains,cars,tanks,ships and most others.I guess I'm addicted.
See,here's how it works.I just saw the photo of a captured P-38 in the captured aircraft, in the WW II Aviation section.Now I have to dig out a p-38 and build one.Just have to.
Thank you for all your comments.
We will be waiting for the P-38 pics Otftch.

Negative Creep, Spitfire looks really nice though the Sky type S colour is really too greenish.Is it a decal? I think that it is better to use paper self adhesive tape to mask the strip area around and paint it with an enamel.In my pic of 1:72 scale Spitfire Mk.II the strip was painted with Sky type S Humbrol enamel and it looks better doesn't it.
Typhoon is very nice.I like this.Good work mate.


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