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Thanks, guys, for the kind words. Wurger, in case I've never said it before, I think your sig is awesome.8)
For a fun little side project, I turned one of my model shots into a "vintage" picture:

These are not my models as I'm total toilet at making them but I went to a militaria show and found these radio controlled ones.


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Hi ya all,

here is my attempt. Sorry, but it was painted by paintbrush. But at least my 4 years old son loves it:lol: ... but can´t touch it it doesn´t have any MACR yet:lol:


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They also used a mettalic green color.I just mix some silver and green until I come up with it.Sometimes the interior color is almost silver but I think that was from wear and age.
Far to be perfect (believe me:oops: ), I'll try to do better next time...

I think you don't have to be ashamed of this model.You did it with some weathering on it and it looks really nice.Besides a two-seater of Fw 190 is a quite rare theme and as I remember not always seen at model expos.I like it. well done Saburo.:thumbleft:Keep it on.
I just started a 25" wingspan, rubber powered, balsa and paper Aeronca "K"
floatplane. I got one side of the fuselage done tonight. As it takes shape
I will post pictures.


Really unique. Was it a boxed model or did you modify it to be a 2 seater? looks terrific.

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