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I think these white stripes are very easy to paint.Simply paint upper surfaces with white and then use masking tape to cut off these stripes and stick them at the proper placs.Then paint with red colour. When the sripes made of tabw will be removed the white ones will appear.
Les, or Dan, or whichever you prefer to be called, when I did my Dora, I seriously considered getting Dortenmann's markings, but backed off because of the yellow paint that I had at the time. It looks very sharp! You can't really go wrong with a Dora.

Thanks for the comment on the sig Heinz!
As requested by Mr. Wurger, pics of my Mig-3, ICM 1/48. 1st attempt after a long gap, using some techniques I picked up on various modelling forums. Sorry about the quality of the pics.

2nd is an Acamedy 1/48 AVG P-40C (for the SEAC GB on

Will post pics of my Yak-7A when its finished.

hope you like them!
Hi Muller,

These pics are good, maybe a little bit dark but good.Besides there is always possibility to correct them a thiny bit.Here you are as a Zip file.
I must admit that I like your models.Well done mate.


  • 362a.jpg
    83.5 KB · Views: 130
  • 353a.jpg
    81.5 KB · Views: 122
  • MiG3_P-40
    1.8 MB · Views: 56
Thanks fellas

The pics of the MiG 3 were taken at night on my kitchen table, thats why they're so dark. I'm in the process of painting a watercolor winter scene as a backdrop for it to take some more shots.

The P-40 was taken in daylight outside on a sheet of paper, but being Ireland it was an overcast day. I took them between the showers!

Thanks again for the positive feedback.


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