Post Your Models!

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Thanks Guys! Will try it when I am brave enough!*lol... - Karl
I am shocked by that crowded ceiling! Is that your special little room? I have two models... I'll see if I can get piics of them... they're round here somewhere... digging frantically....

Now, I have to admit... THAT'S funny right there! And I don't even know why! It caused you pain, after all...
Welch and Senior Chief, thanks guys....

Senior, I never built a piece of armor before, my first tank... Ive built 3 models in the last 20+ years, and only 2 of them with an airbrush, which, before Xmas, I had never held on in my hand before....

Not bad huh?

U can check out the build of all 3 of my "recent" models in this section...

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