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and the Frances from the Starboard side....

including an actual photo of the inscription....

photo Credit famous Aircraft of the World Special Edition No.1 Ginga.

As I said a fairly clean aircraft with only subtle application of Light brown dust on the upper surfaces...

The only thing I need to add now is the antenna wiring which was not allowed in the OOB rules.


  • P1Y1_Frances_0674.JPG
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  • P1Y1_Frances Rear Fuselage_0672.JPG
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  • P1Y1_Frances Rear Fuselage_0687.JPG
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  • Frances Fuselage info_a.JPG
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Hello everyone, I am new here just dropped in from the Aerodrome forum, I am really glad that I have found a WW2 equivilant

looking through this thread there are some fantastic aircraft being made by the variouse members that make mine look rather mediocure.

here is one of my aircraft a Hawker Hurricane IIB in the colours of LK-A this is the only sprayed aircraft I am a brush painter as far as modelling goes, but will be investing in a airbrush for the Avro Vulcan kit I have but thats another story
Welcome to the forum Lanc630.Glad to read you here in the modelling section.

I agree with Wayne there aren't many black painted Hurricanes.Is the bird your first one?
Of my current models that is my 4th Hurricane, I took a shine to that paint scheme due to the Original Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, I have always prefferd the Hurricane over the Spitfire the one included in the game was in BoB camo as LK-A so when at a Duxford airshow I saw LK-A in black I was enraptured and a firm fan, as I am sure many of you know that paticular Hurricne crashed last year at the Shoreham Airshow in a diffrent paint scheme with the really unfortunate loss of a great pilot, so I thought I should build a model of the aircraft in happier times and as my own lilte mark of respect to the pilot and his family.

The other 3 built Hurricanes are the two Battle of Britain Mermorial Flight's pair (I have built the entire flight including the 2 Chipmunks) and a MkIID 'Tin Opener'
Very nice Lanc630.Could you tell us of what scale you make your models? And some more details on the ( these ) model(s) will be appreciated ( model manufacturer for instance)

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