Prynhawnol Da .

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 22, 2008
Hello , from a warm and sunny U.K. ( yep makes a change from rain )
Found the site and was very impressed so here I am . The names Ian and work as a nurse . Ex R.A.F. medic . Oo hard to think of what to say , probably bore you all with more some other time .
All the best .
Ian .
ps .
"Prynhawnol Da" = Welsh for " Good afternoon " :blob4:
Hi Ian

Here another Pole with greetings.Contrary to V2's Grandpa my one died in Poland but my mother was a nurse.
After thanking all of you folks for the help on the Italian hurricane i will introduce myself.
i am a weld inspector travelling the globe to check out welds for other companies.
Been bitten by the Air-bug for the last 45, years, still remembering the Gloster meteors,Harvards and Hunters of the Royal Danish Airforce on summer days.
Building models from the age of 10.
By the way; needs info on KI-62 and KI-63 figther projects... have any of you got anything?? :)
Carpe Diem!!
Ian, Welcome to the forum, hope you learn as much as I have. Now if I could just rember what I've learned! I was in the Army - US-7th Vavalry(General Custer's outfit). in Korea and Germany and played the pipes in the only regemental Bagpipe band in the US Army!
Ian, Welcome to the forum, hope you learn as much as I have. Now if I could just rember what I've learned! I was in the Army - US-7th VCavalry(General Custer's outfit). in Korea andG ermany and played the pipes in the only regemental Bagpipe band in the US Army!
and played the pipes in the only regemental Bagpipe band in the US Army!

ohhhhh, shouldn't have said that, Karl. Lucky and Emac won't leave us alone now! :)

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