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The book German Jet Engines Gas Turbines 1930 - 1945 sat on the shelf for or 20 yrs before it was published and when it was it got no updating.It was to have rocket engines in it to but the publisher said to take it out.
Me-262 pilots claimed a tiotal of 562 Allied kills against a loss of about 100 aircraft. As we know today, the real kills are considerably less than claims. So it is likely the real kills are in the neighborhood of 150 -200, if Me-262 claims follow the claims from other types. That is a kill ratio of about 5.6 : 1 for claims and probably near 1 : 1 to 2 :1 in real life. Unimpressive for a new "technological wonder." Even if the real kills are as high as, say, 350, the ratio is unimpressive, especially since the losses are much better documented.
The Me-262 had a 60 pounds per square foot wing loading, and was easy for any piston fighter to out-turn. Of course the real vulnerability was during takeoff or landing where the Me-262 was unmaneuverable and unresponsive in the extreme. In the Me-262's best performance, it cost the Allies 12 planes from a 1200 plane raid, a 1% loss. It never got that good in another engagement. Even the Brewster Buffalo (in Finnish service) did better.
That, of course, is with hindsight since I KNOW the results. To me, the Me-262 was a neat look at the future that was relatively ineffective. It did little to win the war and cost a lot of resources. Of course, the results could not have been known in advance and the Germans probably needed to expend the Me-262 effort in order to try to make a dent in the large daily Allied bomber streams.
In the end, although it pointed heavily to the future, the Me-262 was a failure as a fighter, a failure as a bomber destroyer, and a failure as a weapon. It was a wonderful experiment that was simply not ready for the challenge in time to make be effective enough to make a difference.
I know many in here revere the Me-262 and that is OK. I am simpy not one of its admirers, except as the "first of the beed" of jet fighters that owed a lot to the Me-262's design and combat tactics. For that, it deserves its place in history as an innovative aircraft that was ahead of its time.
Also note that in the graph's timeline the latesest engines are the pre-production 004B-0's so we haven't even gotten to the first production models. (B-1)
Wrong way to look at it. The kill-loss ratio of other German fighters in the same time period those 562 claims (allegedly) were made was certainly much, much worse. I dare say that, even though I have zero data at hand. I have read claims from former USAAF pilots it was as bad as 1:10, maybe the real figure is 1:5, hard to say. So the Me 262 was a vast improvement over the current piston engined LW fighters (including Fw 190 Ds) and that is what counts. The fact that any LW daytime fighter was at all able to score an even ratio under those circumstances is astonishing.Me-262 pilots claimed a tiotal of 562 Allied kills against a loss of about 100 aircraft. As we know today, the real kills are considerably less than claims. So it is likely the real kills are in the neighborhood of 150 -200, if Me-262 claims follow the claims from other types. That is a kill ratio of about 5.6 : 1 for claims and probably near 1 : 1 to 2 :1 in real life. Unimpressive for a new "technological wonder." Even if the real kills are as high as, say, 350, the ratio is unimpressive, especially since the losses are much better documented.