Quotes and Jokes (3 Viewers)

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Disorder in the court


ATTORNEY: You have admitted that you.ve had sex with some of the people there. Did you have sex with Debbie?
ATTORNEY: You never had any sex with her? Have you ever had oral sex with her?
ATTORNEY: You did not say down in Coffeyville that you told everybody you had oral sex with Debbie?
WITNESS: With Debbie? No, man, you don't admit that. Even if you did, you wouldn't admit it. No, sir. No sir. On the record, no. No, sir.
ATTORNEY: All right.
WITNESS: No, man.
From disorder in the court

DEFENSE: You indicated at the time you seized it, it had damage to the dashboard?
WITNESS: That's correct.
DEFENSE: And one of the windows?
WITNESS: That's correct.
DEFENSE: Do you yourself know what happened?
PROSECUTOR: Again, I believe that is an area--he is going into an area you have already ruled upon.
DEFENSE: The last time they had it, it got damaged.
THE COURT: I have not heard any words of magic, have you , Virgil?
COURT REPORTER: No, I haven't.
PROSECUTOR: You mean, I should say I object?
THE COURT: That's the one.
PROSECUTOR: Excuse me.
THE COURT: That brings the rubber duck down.
PROSECUTOR: Objection.
THE COURT: Sustained.

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