Quotes and Jokes (2 Viewers)

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There is no way anything can go wrong with this, is there? Remember the movie about the giant tarantula?

Alligator-Catfish Hybrids Are Being Spawned in an Alabama Lab

Using gene-editing technology and just a pinch of alligator DNA, scientists at Auburn have created a sterile, hybrid species of catfish they say is more resistant to infection.
Oh .. what a species of the snake?
Cornsnake, very common around here. We also have Ribbon snakes, which are a version of Garter snake that often become aquatically adapted and can be found in swimming pools , Black Racers, Ringneck snakes, and the largest ones I have seen are the Indigo snakes. Have never seen a poisonous snake in my yard but one day on a walk with the dog I saw what I think were a couple of water moccasins copulating right next to a canal.

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