A good old-fashioned fire-and-brimstone Southern Baptist tent revival was going on late one hot summer evening. The preacher was really into his sermon, whipping the congregation into a frenzy, when all of a sudden the pulpit explodes! Startled revival-goers stare as the smoke clears...revealing Satan, standing with arms crossed, laughing as a swarm of demons pours from the crater. Pandemonium ensues, naturally, as everyone scrambles for the nearest exit, window, airconditioning vent, or little silver hip-flask. Satan, of course, is loving it all, until he notices a little old man sitting about a half-dozen pews back, hands calmly folded over the top of his cane, seemingly oblivious to the mahem around him. This should be fun, Satan thinks, and stomps his fiery way down the aisle, scattering decons and demons alike in his path.
"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" he screams at the man.
"Yep," comes the response.
"AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN DO TO YOU?" Satan continues.
This completely throws Satan for a loop. Nearby demons cease their torments, torn between wanting to hear the reply, and fearful of the wrath it most certainly will cause. "Why not?" Satan asks, perplexed.
"Been married to yer sister for 45 years now."