Quotes and Jokes (2 Viewers)

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A man from Texas, driving a VW beetle, pulls up next to a Rolls Royce at a light and asks through the open window, "Hey, you got a phone in that Rolls?"
"Yes, of course I do."
"I got one too, see?"
"Very nice"
The Texan asks, "You got a GPS?"
"Yes I do."
"I do too. See? Right here."
Just before the light turn green, the Texan yells, "so, do you have a double bed in the back there?"
"No, do you?"
"Yep, right in the back here."
The Texan in the VW drives off. Not to be one-upped, the Rolls owner drives to a custom shop and orders a double bed installed in the back.
Two weeks later, job finished, The Rolls owner drives all over town looking for the VW beetle with Texas plates and finally finds it parked along side the road.
Stopping next to it, he sees the windows fogged up, and although awkward, gets out and taps on the glass.
The window opens a crack, and the Texan peeks out.
"Remember me? I have the Rolls."
"Yeah, yeah, I remember. What's up?"
"Check this out. I just had a double bed installed."
"You got me out of the shower to tell me that?"
Military intelligence strikes again - what are they going to do with those fighters? Shoot down the remains if the bomb goes off? Machine gun the survivors as they fall to the ground?


No shoot it down when the try to fly it into a building.

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