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Jun 11, 2011
I wasn't sure where to put this, but what are people thinking about the new movie about the Tuskegee Airmen?
Red Tails
RedTailsMovie's Channel - YouTube
The Tuskegee Airmen were great at protecting the bombers, but they couldn't keep everything off the heavies. In one trailer someone says something like, "1 bomber lost that's 10 lives. We count our victories by the bombers that we get to the target. By the husbands we return to their wifes. By the fathers we return to their children." I do think that they kind of saying, the escorts that weren't the 332nd were doing a horrible job.
I am sure this movie will add to the myth that the 332nd never lost a bomber.

While they did an amazing job, especially for a country that segregated them, they did lose bombers...
I said the same thing in Shinpachi's post about the WWII movie made by a Korean. Visually, it looks spectacular and I can't wait to see it. Completely agree with Adler.
I am sure this movie will add to the myth that the 332nd never lost a bomber.

While they did an amazing job, especially for a country that segregated them, they did lose bombers...
There is one part in the preview where they say stuff about 1 bomber lost is 10 lives lost.
It does look fun to watch. It might look ok on the big screen! Hope the Computer Graphics don't spoil it! At the moment, any aviation movie will be a bonus!! Does anyone know when the Dambusters movie will be released?
I not so sure it necessarily lack of respect on Hollywood's part. It's mostly black cast and theme might have a limited appeal outside of black audiences, that very appeal might keep some away. If there's no big crowds, there's no big MONEY.
Most on this forum will probably see it because it's about aviation, but it might not have much of a pull on the majority of the theater going public.
viewed the trailer too many times historical inaccurate is the word markings as well as combat tactics and of course the snap roll and shooting down of the 109 within 3 seconds also catching up with a 262 going through the bomber stream an absolute no, no. Really not too sure this is going to add or take away from the 332nd fg legacy, I can see it actually do more harm than good
There are several articles about that in the danish newspapers these days.
To me, it just say a lot about Hollywood's huge lack of imagination and respect in some areas.

Don't you believe it. It's all about money, not the color of the cast. While us on this forum may find the subject fascinating, most people on the planet will just yawn.

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