Reggiane Re 2005

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I did all decals work but on the last decal I had a strange accident and I would like to know if you have any idea on what happened.

Let me explain.
The model was painted dark green (RLM70) using Aqueous Hobby Color and then coated with Future.
After all decals, except two, were in place I coated everything with Vallejo clear gloss directly from a spray can.
The two remaining were the large roundels (30 mm) going on upper wing. I didn't positioned them earlier because I was unhappy of the surface.
As the surface with the Vallejo gloss seemed good, I started with the decal going on the left wing.
I put some drops of Microset on the wing and positioned the decal in place and disaster: the paint on the wing under and next to the decal became greyish! Conclusion: I have to repaint the left wing!
On the right wing I positioned the decal with just water and everything went well.
In your knowledge, is Microset reacting with Vallejo clear?
Hi everybody,
completed this model as well.
If you wish, you will see the thread in the relevant session.

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