Revell Ju-52/3m Civil version 1/48

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Beautiful job Boats!! Watch out for those flaps or ailerons or whatever they're called on a Junkers. I made that kit a few years ago and they were difficult. A very delicate connection with not much area for the glue to hold onto. I bet I've glued them back on 10 times in the 4 years since I built it!
Looking good Boats, but what book/paper are you assembling the engines on that has plane stats in German written on it? Revell's German instruction sheet?

Ahoy Matt
Yep its the Revell instruction sheet it is bylingual German and english like most of their kits the main instruction is in symbols.

Same here on the two I've done.
Great job on a good kit, I loved my first enough, (military version that I changed into a Lufthansa), that I had to get this kit when it came out. The red scheme is difficult but not impossible, and with your skill, I can't wait for the finish!
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Looks great Boats, well up to your usual top quality of things!

ahoy Lucky13 and fellas
thanks for your wonderfull replies i will be back onthe build I ran out of materials such as paint I will resume back to the build tomorrow I certainly dont want to keep everyone ion limbo. As soon as my Lancaster gets in I will start a build thread. stay tuned be back.

So glad I popped into this thread, got me one of these stashed away somewhere and like you Boats, was part of the retirement package purchased years ago. So now I've got my bready eye on this one and like what I see.
Okay fellas back tyo work on the Ju52 I will have her done tomorrow this Monday I have a special treat this will be a dedication build starting this Wendsday I am, dedicateing this build to my good Friend Worjtek for getting me a 1/33 scale Lancaster bomber by Gomix flymodel. This is going to be a time consuming task to say the least I love the Lancaster and Terry ius going to supply me with some reference material so I( can do the Lanc Justice so stay tune fellas.

finishing up the Ju52 I will have her done by tomorrow just shot on a coat of metlic silver paint on the top of wings and the top of fuselage. Tomorrow I will fi8nish up the paint work and have the finished pictures by Wednsday and next will be the big Lancaster build. Terry throw everything you have for reference material on the Lancaster it is much appreciated sir for your help. Here is the update for the JU52.



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I was looking at that as well and wondering how it was done. How about you spill the beans Boats.

BTW, brilliant build.

Ahoy Vic and Jayl

Thank you for your reply okay here is the straight dope before I stareted to mask the the plane I sprayed on 5 coats of gloss coat until it shines let dry to touch and mask the gloss will make the masking tape stick better then the matt surface if dont and go a head and mask the paint will creep under thge corragated surfaces. I should have this behemoth done today. Tomorrow thye big Lancaster build rubbing hands rubbing hands thanks guys.

Really beaut job Boats. Masking on that corrugated surface is like trying to find a good looking Hippocroccofrog!
I'll get the Lanc stuff sorted and sent by weekend - still need your e-mail address though, if you can send it by PM please.

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