Revell Ju-52/3m Civil version 1/48

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 26, 2011
Moraine Ohio U.S.A.
I finally got my PBY done she is hanginmg high now in my modlers den looks like a big turkey vulture hanging from the ceiling. Oka\y fellas here is my next build this will keep me busy until I recieve my Gomix Flymodel Avro Lancaster bomber in 1/33 scale. I purchjased this kit 2 years ago from my hobby dealer for $60.00 a lot of dough for plastic but its worth it a labor of love. upon opening the kit box one is greeted with 10 baggies full of fine ejected molds parts there are a lot of parts most of the parts makes up the intereir detais. The decal sheet is excellent gives you a choice for two different markings the markings and paint schedules are called out in the kit. Paint schedule No.1 is German air ministry of 1938 all red with black trim, No.2 paint schedule April 1938 flughaften Innsbruck, Osterreich All aluminum with black trim. There are enough parts in the kit to build the muilitart version but there are no decals for that version, the modlers has to supply his own decals. The kit in general is a old monogram kit that merged in with Revell so there is a lot of food for thought on this kit and leaves the builder with challenging ideas. Here are the pictures of the box cover and decals hopefully tonight sometime i will post a picture or two.



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Here I go again not atleased bushed from the PBY build primed pumped and ready to go. as to the beginnig of the build I am starting on sub assemblies starting with the cockpit and interier floorboard also the seats no painting has been done yet i will do that tomorrow I am letting these parts dry for the night and take a short breather and a bottle of grogg, Here is the first post update on the build.



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Boats, do you actually sleep or does that just get in the way of your round the clock modelling....Doin' a great job man...:D

Ahoy Wayne
LOLllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll No Rest for the wicked. No sir not atleased tired One thing i love about retirement is that I have a lot of models to build to retain my sanity from going bughouse. Its been a boyhood dream come true for me I made certain when i retire I will take life easy by building my lifes stash of models that I accumilated for the past 50 years. thanks Wayne I will keep your peepers busy on this one too.

Ahoy wojtek and Lucky13
thanks fellas for your replies on my Ju 52 Like quoted to wayne i will keep your peepers busy Have some updates coming up this evening stay tuned./
Here's a few pics I took at Cosford, which might help with a few details.


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Here's a few pics I took at Cosford, which might help with a few details.

Ahoy Terry
Beautifullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Man that fills the bill excellent reference material at hand thanks Terry for the pix they will serve me justice on the Tin Lizzy, I amagine the interier color schedule differ from aircraft to aircraft. Mine is light gray with a hint of silver Thanks Terry your a God sent.

Ahoy all crew
thanks fellas for your replies I am honored as always, Okay Gents back to buisness Been at this for nearly two days so its time to report for a update. Still turning too on the interier details have a little morte to go before i go to the rest of the build In the instructions the paint schedule either calls out for a Buff or light gray color with seats either dark green or Buff. I chose lt. gray color schedule and the seats are dark green. the seat frames were painted lt. gray with a hint of silver, Pilots compartment was picked out as per instructions on the dash consol with all trhe dials were going to be challengeing to paint until I saw the instrument panel decal on the decal sheet and excellent touch saves a lot of painting thank you Revell/monogram. In view of the kit its a engineering marvel there is no filling to be done this kit is optional it can be assembled either a military parachutist aircraft or civilian version. but as mentioned before if you choose the military bird you will need to buy a decal sheet . The interier gives you a choice of seating arrangments either leacve the seating arrangment standard or you can arrange the seating for a smokers section that seperated from the rest of the passengers a good touch. aft of the compartment is where the Loo or toilet is at The face bowl is folds up as you use the toilet after use trice it down to wash your flippers. there is even a toilet paper roll i painted that white. now the best feature of all in the kit the fuselage is assembled in four sections two side halfs a bottom section and top section after the fuselage has been assembled the top section is removable to show the interier details. A kit bonus to say the least. So when tackling this birdt you want to do your Sundays best in the detailing of the interier compartment so everyone can view your craftsmanship a rewarding responce. I added seat belts to the pilots seats another good tip to do is when cementing the canopy section it is best to cement same to the fuselage top section that way everything on top can be removed to view. here is the update for now will have a couple more this evening.



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Looking very nice Boats. But where is a roll of a tiolet paper in the bathroom? As memo serves I have seen the restroom with a towel and an issue of the LIFE magazine on a toilet seat there. :lol:
Looking very nice Boats. But where is a roll of a tiolet paper in the bathroom? As memo serves I have seen the restroom with a towel and an issue of the LIFE magazine on a toilet seat there. :lol:

Ahoy wojtek
Thanks Dear sir for your reply as to thye toilet paper roll in the coming update you will see it on the overhead shot looking down in the lavatory compartment i ma not certain if thats a toilet paper roll or paper towel rack but i painted it white so i amagine either way paper is white. thanks sir for your reply.

Scince all of the cabin details have been painted up as per instructions its time to install same to the fuselage halfs. The fit of the cabin floor compartment fits very well no fit issues useing acc glue to join the fuselage and cabin together and hold with rubber bands until dry. Next I took out of the small baggie the window parts the forward sections need to be seperated if you are building the smokers cabin version. useing masking tape mask off all of the windows when finished cement same into the fuselage useing contact cement. there is hardly any filling to use on the fuselage only very small portions needs just a hint of filler putty. only needed in areas of the fron nose section top and bottom and the very end of the fuselage where the fin joins the fuselage and lastly the tail wheel area, The top section is removable to view the interier details that were previously painted and installed. The kit in general is a delight to build and a lot can be built into this highly detail kit If i ever build another of this i would most certainly build as per photo what Terry has posted on this here thread. Thanks Terry for the photo again, Before i knock off for the night i will prime the exterier with light primer gray and touch up the gray inside the windows where they are cemented at. another good touch to the folks of Revell the areas where you glue the window sections to the fuselage are molded in the same texture as of the fuselage leaving everything natural. Here is the update for the night.



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Sweet work Boats! Wonder what the big tank between the pilots is for.

sorry for not answering your question on the tank on top of the pilots compartment truthfully I am uncertain i can only guess It could be a fresh water tank for the passengers and the wash basin in the lavatory compartment the toilet prabaly is a chemical toilet.


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