Revell mosquito MK.IV bomber 1/48

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okay guys and girls

here are the pics i said i would put up after second coat of matt black. Just got to put decals on now.I think it's my best so far i think there's a big change since i done my first model on here

hi guys and girls

here are some better pics ( these were taken outside ) to show the paint better, also the decals are on but not all the little ones

Nice work Keith, and you're right, there's a definite improvement since the first model you posted. Keep it up mate, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
Hi guys and Girls

thanks for the thumbs up, i can only improve with my modelling skill by asking questions and reading your threads.

Again a BIG thumbs up to you guys and girls for a brilliant forum
Looks nice, if i may give you a tip...

when all the cammo and detailles are painted give it a clear coat whit Jhonson Future (in holland we cant buy it but we use parket plus) especialy if you use matt collors. I use Micro cleare coate.
When you use cleare coate the silvering of the decals is reduced to zero (the little airebubbels under your decals.
When you are done you can use Dacosol when you put that on the decals (put it on quiq it dont matter if you get sum dacosol on the rest of the model) it wil rinkel allot and you whill thing OMG what happens DONT TOUCHE THE DECAL Unthil its dry!!!!!!!!!!!! verry inportend if there are sum airbubels left wait until its dry and just pinch them whit a sharp needle of knif and put the dacosol again over the decal.

then the decals looks like you painted them on instead of looking like decals plus all the decals sink in the pannel lines.
Then give it a coat of Johnsen again wait thil its dry and you can give the model a wash and other wheatering techniques type it on google and there is allot of info on how to... even on youtube.
When you are done whit the weahtering give the model al dullcoate and its done, try it on your next model and you will c it will even look beter then this one.

Regards Ron

I've just looked back and found this thread.

I've started my copy of this Revell kit yesterday, and having built up the cockpit assembly succesfully, I tried dry fitting the two front fuselage halves. I see from your comments you had this problem which is a really bad fit. I've spent quite a bit of time trying to shave millimetres off the edges of the cockpit assembly to get the front halves to fit around and meet at the joints, it still hasn't got there yet so need to spend more time on it this week.
I can see you've never read "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" by Douglas Adams... Zaphod would be shocked!

I can't believe someone actually used Zaphod Beeblebrox as a reference. Now that's a name I haven't heard in quite some time. ROFLMAO

For the record The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is my all time favorite book. Loved the BBC mini series hated the recent movie.

Now back to the Mosquito... Very sharp. I just bought an El-Cheap-O 1/72 Airfix and I'm looking forward to watching your progress.

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