RNZAF Corsair Build

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otherside of the rear fusalage has started to be skinned

right now I just wish I did the rear section differently ,I've really noticed the shape incorretness and shortness but for this kind of thing I'm happy


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It's looking really brilliant Daniel! Wouldn't worry about the 'shortness' as you called it; the main thing is, it LOOKS like a Corsair, fantastic! As it's covered in coffe tins, are you going to nick-name it 'Cafe Girl', or 'Brazil Bird' ??!!
109, I think you should try and incorporate 6 water pistols into the wings so your sis can give people that get in her way a squirt!

It's looking great so far 8)
True that Evan ,Thanks for the comments guys(all motivating!)

busy tomorrow ,(babysitting) maybe be able to work on it

Fingers crossed
You could take Muller's idea a stage further. Add an electric pump or two, plumbed into the 'gun barrells', with a tank-full of water with brightly coloured red, orange or yellow dye. You'd have ( or sis would) a powerful battery of water 'cannon', firing 'tracer'!! She could knock over any scallys that got in her way!!
Looks fantastic Daniel! Hope to see a Zero, Frank or Oscar soon, eh? I agree with Muller, put 6 waterguns or pistols that has to be reloaded like the real thing....daddy can be groundcrew! I can see the neighbourhood kids gonna want to have the same....
Talk to the Airforce, Daniel, they might be keen since we got rid of the Strike Wing! (Better a half-scale Corsair than a cessna 172 with a BB gun... )

yup Terry if the market was there I wouldn't be working next year I'd be building these things!

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