RNZAF Corsair Build

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Cheers guys

Nothing done today just watched the last Emirates A340 into Christchurch from now on they'l be operating B-777's

Overal dimentions are 1.7 long by 1.8

Thanks again
That a great bit of work Dan !.

I trust you are allready taking airshow bookings, cos that little plane and your sister are sure to be the centre of attention !
Really excellent Daniel, very impressive! And Gary's right, it would go down a trear at airshows - you'd need a note book though, to take down all the orders for more!
We'l see how it goes on trademe and that'l give me an indication of the market

I'm really starting to look forward to the next one now(learn't ALOT from this build)Look a wee bit more accurate too!

Thanks Gnomey and Terry your comments are as always appreciated!
Jeez, you don't check out a thread for a week and look what you miss! It looks fantastic Dan!

Can't wait to see pics of it finished and your little sis in it ready for take off!

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