Rookie kwestun here...

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 27, 2008
Hurst, Texas
I've recently come by some nifty woodworking tools (helping grandparents clean out "that old shed in the back" comes in handy!), and have always wanted to build my own models. I'm not that good at woodworking, but have always enjoyed working with my hands. I tried my bit at making one of those Guillows models many many moons ago, but the balsa was either not cut to exacting standards or I lost too much trying to carefully sand the pieces smooth. Anyhoo....I've been wanting to find a set of plans so I can cut my own pieces out of some better wood and put my own planes together, but can't seem to find any of the plans. Anybody know where they can be downloaded, either the Guillows version or any other version that shows what to cut/how many/etc???
Unfortunately....unless Mr. C signs his posts thataway, or that's his handle....I'd have no clue who he is. Thanks for the links, though, Wurger! Maybe one of these days I'll get a chance to try my hand and see what's left of my highschool wood-shop skills. *g*
Lucky13 is a well-known joker here in the forum.The kind of models you want to make are made by Ccheese.Send him a PM.
Heh. You said as much....however, nobody pointed him out to me in a crowd. I may be psychotic, but that ain't the same as psychic!!!

I actually found a site where you can buy plans from various sized/manufacturer kits, for somewhere around $8-$10. Its right here: Plans and Kits
Don't worry, nobody is perfect including me.

Sorry it's a joke of course.I hope you both will be in touch and make some nice models.

BTW RabidAlien nice find - the site. THX for posting
No worries, Wurger! Just took me a couple of days to figger my way around here. I've gotten a couple sets of plans from him (Thanks again, Mr. C!! ), and plan on stopping by Michaels hobby shop tomorrow for some modeling plywood to play with. long has it been since I've run a bandsaw.... *takes off shoes to count...grabs calculator....*
Keep y'all informed.....well....went to the hobby store today, picked up two sheets of birch plywood. **waits for cheers and ovation to die down** I actually have two days off in a row next week, as well as a third day later on (gotta love the summer slump and Corporate cutting hours...). However...I still need to replace a section of fence and a gate on the east side of the house, so any woodworking I'll be doing is gonna be a bit more strenuous.

Also thinkin its about time to sacrifice my side of the garage and transform it into a work-bench area. Heck, my truck barely fits inside anyway!

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