Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 5, 2008
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Lovely shots as usual old is a selection of mine...the Hurricane wreck is very poignant coming from a Battle of Britain Hurricane shot down. The pilot baled out but was sadly killed. The aircraft was recovered from the beach and put back to gether in the is surrounded by the tally board of the Few....


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this is the Hurricane mentioned.....the last post included a Defiant that is going off for a rebuild soon!


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Great photos guys!
Gary, thankyou especially mate -that's the first photo of an Fw 190A-8/U1 cockpit I've seen! I'm converting two Revell Fw 190A-8/R11s to an S-5 and A-8/U1 at the moment so those pics will come in real handy! Cheers!

Nice pics there Gary and Tony. I see what you mean about the lighting, the last time I as there, I managed to get some good shots on 100ASA tranny film, back in about 1987! Looks like they've made a lot of changes since then,not all of them for the better.
Yep Karl, I'm up for that mate - we could meet up with Gary and anyone else interested.
Great shots Gary and tony!

I know what you mean Gary ,I was at Wigram museum today and I didn't have a tripod hence my photos were very dark.You did a good job:thumbleft:Looks like a GREAT museum8)

Thanks for sharing!:D
Great shots guys! :D...I hope I'll have time to visit the aviation museum around here and I'll be sure to take as many pictures as I can :)

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