Russian Pe-3 Bis, Russia's first use of radar for a night fighter

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Looking over photographs of Pe-3's, I've found that the flat nose had a clear protective cover in a couple of photos. It would make sense to me to have a clear rounded cover over the radar projector simply for aerodynamics. Look over these pictures and tell me what you think?


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Hey guys, looky looky what I found. :) I have been searching for examples of either the Pe 3 Bis or Pe 2, using only english letters. The other day it dawned on me to use a different language and see what pops up. This is what I have been able to find. enjoy. :)


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More research into camo patterns and time of use has brought this page to light. There seems to be a mixture of Pe 2's but looks like there may be one Pe 3 there. Here is the website. For now I'm sticking with the prescribed plan until I find something different.

Pe-2/Pe-3 camo evolution
My painting thus far has been cautious. Still trying to match the colors as best as possible. Here is what I have and thanks guys.


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the lighting is different between the different sets of pictures. The darker ones were taken in an unlighted room with an overcast sky. The lighter pictures were taken in a better lighted room and is closer to the colors I'm dealing with.
Currently trying to lighten the green up some before I shoot the darker camo color. The color scheme within the directions are very vague not to mention difficult to tell where one color ends and another begins. The only reason you can see any camo pattern in the picture at the beginning of this thread is because I used a magnifying glass to try to find the edges and draw it out with pencil.

Any help would be appreciated as I want to get this one correct.
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Thanks wurger... I've been looking for a summer pattern that would be around 1942 which is when this version went into production. From the history I've read of this plane, the factory where it was built had to be evacuated a few times so I'm guessing that summer of 1943 would be more appropriate. I think the directions are not accurate as the two colors it gives me seem identical when sprayed. I added a couple of drops of white to lighten one color and simulate bleaching from the sun but not sure this worked out right. Any suggestions?
The summer of the 1943.... I think you might follow two variants of the camo. The first one - the Green/Black camo scheme or the the Green/Dark Grey/Light Brown. Because the Pe-3 was a fighter the first camo scheme would more possible.

You'r welcome. Here you are the Russian names of paints and FS numbers.... A note - AMT colors were applied on all-metal planes too, if sprayed over an ALG-1 primer.

AMT-6 matt black -

AMT-4 matt green -
FS-24102, 24151
or its equivalent
A-24m matt green -
FS-34102, 34151

AMT-7 matt greyish blue -
or its equivalent
A-28m matt greyish blue -

These right halves of colour samples show a paint tone after some of time.

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