Sanger 1/48th vac' form Armstrong Whitworth Whitley build

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ian lanc

Senior Airman
Sep 30, 2007
mansfield, nottinghamshire
Hi everyone,
Heres my build thread of my next project ! This model isn't for the faint hearted and shouldn't really be tackled by a beginner in true sanger form there is no cockpit detail so some resaerch is needed here to get it fairly correct, alot of strengthing will be needed in the wings and the fuselage.

This kit can only be made into a MK1 as the are no other nacelles supplied.

First port of call is to mark all around the parts the carefully with a fine permanant marker, then re-move them leaving about 2mm waste near the edges of the parts and not forgeting not to throw away the scrap plastic, this comes in handy later on.

Is there anyone who has the frog 1/72 version in their stash who is willing share a few secrets on any interior detail !

One thing i did find out about Whitley's is that the MK1 has no dihedral.

I've put the pictures of the whitley which where on another thread to help me on my way.

A few links....


Now time to start it.... as i gulp in despair

There are very few panel lines on the fuselage, so i'll have to re-scribe alot here the crew door is shown though, i might have this open to show detail.

Nacelles have a neat touch if you want to display it wheels up theres no needs to add the wheels as they are built into the nacelles, shame i'm doing mine wheels down !

I asked Gerald who makes these model kits to do an extra set of clear parts just in case the knife slips. he did gladly for free !

Metal parts are detailed OK, infact better than FM stuff :ha:

Decals seem to be OK, i hope !

These are the only instructions you get so basically its all out of my head and a lot of scratch building.

thanks for looking
wow good luck Ian.

Rochie I reckon flying a Whitley would be easier than building that

They were a bit of a dog in the air.However I've always like em.
Stop it you guys your all cracking me up with laughter, there was a few funny replies

I've marked out the outside of the parts with a fine marker and roughly cut them all out, the last time i did this i slipped with the knife and ended up in hospital

marked out

then cut out !

thanks for laughing/eerrr i mean looking LOL
Cut out and no blood? Well done! Wurger, I would translate for Ian, but I'm afraid he might take offense if a Yank translated the King's English back to him.
Just a quick update to show you that i'm not scared of this monster, alot of people out there know how to build vac form models but there are alot who have never even attempted one, so these few shots are to show you how to strengthen the wings and sanding the proper way etc

I might have to leave this for a few days as i will be making a vac' form valiant for someone who had a go and couldn't make it, so i'll be seeing if i can reclaim it back to life

Many people do fancy ribbing, but i find the best way is to put strips of styrene 1mm to 2mm in thickness along the length of the wings, This also keeps the wings nice and flat when you start rubbing them down. To hold the wings nice and true wood dowl will be placed through the wings into the fuselage then into the other side of the wings.

Gluing these strips in also stops the wings from bowing out when you press down to sand them.

The strengthening strips are put on before you do any sanding, if you don't when you come to sand the part it will flex and you will get uneven sanding, this is when everything goes all bannana shapes

For small parts its best to hold it with a good lump of 'blu tac', This stops it from slipping out of your hand, also sand in even directions taking care to look at the part you are sanding, the idea with the black marker pen outline is that you can start to see it appear on the sanded side and your getting ready to stop sanding.

When you sand the parts down you want to evenly press all over and to know if your doing it right the entire marked strip should all come off in one go, well usually in one go !
Don't go mad when your sanding it, take your time and keep looking its far better to undersand than to oversand and don't press hard

The finished tailplanes and stablelizers, not glued together yet but they fit very squarely.

more later guys

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